E-mail Hacking and Attempted Fraud
Posted 24/04/2019 15:00

Cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated and are targeting private schools around the world sending unsuspecting parents fake invoices and emails. Please read the following guidelines below about communications you can expect from International School Basel (ISB) in regards to fees and invoices.

Protect Yourself

Here are measures you can take to avoid getting "hooked":

How to identify an ISB invoice:

The following information will always be shown on an official ISB invoice:

  1. ISB Header:  International School of the Basel Region AG, Fleischbachstrasse 2, 4153 Reinach, Switzerland, Tel. +41 61 715 33 33, Fax +41 61 715 33 15, finance.receivables@isbasel.ch, www.isbasel.ch
  2. Bank information:  Bank Cler AG, 4002 Basel, BC 8440, Konto 697009.290000-3, SWIFT Code BCLRCHBB / IBAN CH79 0844 0697 0092 9000 0
  3. Your address as per your information input in Veracross
  4. Your Client No.
  5. School Year
  6. Name of Student / your child and specific charge per student (e.g. Tuition Grade …, Registration Fee, Enrolment Fee, ASPIRE, etc.)
    ISB will not issue invoices for unspecific/general charges. ISB only issue invoices for charges according to the Financial Regulation published on the website (e.g. Tuition fee) or for courses/programs/trips etc. you actively enrolled/registered for.
  7. Our bank information on the payment slip including the following information:
    Einzahlung für: Bank Cler AG, 4002 Basel, 8440
    Zugunsten von: 697009.290000-3, Int.School of Basel Region AG, 4153 Reinach BL, IBAN CH79 0844 0697 0092 9000 0
    Konto: 01-4491-2
    CHF: Total amount due as above
    Einbezahlt von: Your address as above

Contact Us

If you believe ISB's name and/or reputation has been misused in a fraudulent e-mail or other contact, please forward the unchanged Phishing e-mail and/or details to finance.receivables@isbasel.ch.